Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Yoon Soo's Great Idea: Inspiration Journal

Oh, you poor neglected blog. No entries since January 28.

I don't have any intellectual revelations to share today, but I do want to share a delight. My wonderful new advisor Yoon Soo suggested that I keep an inspirations journal, to collect things I find inspiring and look back on for pleasure (or whatever) later. While I was in New York last week, she suggested that I collect 50 images a day.

That's 50 a day.

I was almost completely preoccupied with my son's ballet competition and didn't have much free time to wander, so I did not get the 350 images I hoped for, but I have filled the pages with about 270 images. Last night I arranged them in booklet pages and printed them out on a nice coated paper. Tonight I went to fold them, and...wow! I can see this booklet is going to be a delight to me and a chronicle of an emotionally intense time, without actually chronicling the time. Here are a few of the images now in my inspirations journal (which I will hand stitch and eventually bind).